Events, Media, Publishing Updates

Updates for Summer 2022

One Book, Six Issues

Our first book collection—issues 1-4—is going strong and we are (slowly) coming out with additional issues. As of the start of Summer 2022, we have published issue #6.

Possession Issue #6 Cover

Santa Rosa Zine Fest 2002

Thank you Covid for derailing our plans to take Possession to Zine and Comic festivals around the Bay Area. But we finally did our first one on March 26, 2022 at the Santa Rosa Zine Fest, sponsored by the Sonoma County Public Library.

Cyndi & Michael Norwitz at their table for the Santa Rosa Zine Fest, March 26, 2022

Radio Interview In Goth We Trust

Possession creator Michael Norwitz will be on In Goth We Trust, an alternative radio show on WIOX Community Radio, hailing from the New York Catskills. Check it out on June 29, 2022, 10pm Eastern Time.

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